WVUSD Mini-University 2025
Friday March 7, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am PST
This presentation offers a look at typical conversations a Grade Level Coordinator has with the students on his or her caseload.  I’ve worked with thousands of students in my 22 years as a GLC, and this look behind the counseling office door provides teachers and administrators a glimpse at some of the issues and concerns for students in our schools.  My hope is that folks will leave this session with realistic strategies and ideas for helping students make the best decisions for their academic futures as well as for their mental and physical health.

Covered topics may include:
• Over-extended: How many AP and honors courses are appropriate and healthy?
• Over-extended II: How do extracurriculars fit in and why do they “look good for college?”
• A-G requirements and issues we need to remind students about
• Decisions: What are the most important factors in deciding which university to apply to/attend?
• Stress: Indicators/signs of stress and talking points for stressed and anxious students.
The goal of this presentation is to empower more people to have good conversations that alleviate stress and help students make the best, healthiest decisions for themselves.
avatar for Dave Desmond

Dave Desmond

Grade Level Coordinator, Diamond Bar High School
Friday March 7, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am PST

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